“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
– Dr. Wayne Dyer
Life is learning
This is a powerful mantra I adopted once my personal development journey kicked in. We are incredible, energetic beings evolving in this grand adventure we call life. Accepting our circumstances without taking them personally enables us to adopt a curiosity about life and its’ unfolding. I empower my clients to move through negative, experiences, emotional blocks and barriers to goals. They “unlock their blocks” to connect with new clarity, freedom and peace.
“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation “some fact of my life” unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.”
– Alcoholics Anonymous
How do I create greater acceptance in my life? I create it by living my belief that “Everything happens for our highest good.” This is a powerful distinction from; “Everything happens for a reason”, which can be slanted negatively – perhaps there’s judgement or blame and it can seem that somehow you’ve done something wrong or somehow you deserve the unhappiness or hardship you have.

Everything that’s happened in your life has prepared you for this moment.
When you move through the emotional or mental blocks you can use “Everything happens for our highest good” as a new lens through which you see your life. With this new perspective you are open and curious, and you begin to ask the question “How could this be for my benefit?” You take your power back and choose how to move forward in your life.
When I was willing to see the darkest moment of my life through this lens, it freed me from the bondage of the past and empowered me to create my present. We cannot change the past. We absolutely CAN change the way we see it and the story we tell ourselves about it. I am no longer angry or ashamed of what happened. My past doesn’t own me. I OWN my past, I now use it as fuel for living a passionate life, proud of the woman I’ve become.

I could let my guard down.
At last I felt safe in the world.
When I was twelve my Mother was assaulted while I listened in the dark. What happened to my Mother was horrific. I can’t change that. What I learned to change was the way I thought about what happened to her, along with its impact on me. I went from a deep hatred and distrust of men to an openness to the kindness in men, awakening me to the good in the men around me. What we focus on expands and focusing on the trustworthy men around me transformed my life experience.
In practicing my new belief, I slowly began to relax and open back up to life and to the men close to me. I went from believing I was broken to celebrating the incredible strength and empathy I developed in reaction to that incident.

What we focus on expands.
My life has gone from tragedy to happily-ever-after because I now choose to believe that the horrific nightmare that had me shut down for decades is actually the fire and pressure that transformed me into the incredibly strong beauty I am today. I am at last free to create and live the life of my dreams.

I know transformation is possible. I’ve lived it and now I see it happening for my clients over and over. If you’re sick and tired of being frustrated with your life, maybe you feel hopeless or even numb. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, and if you are determined to make a change now… I’m here – ready to guide you through the blocks between you and your extraordinary life.